
Susty Schools launches with Ostra Heights College

On friday, 17th June 2016, we launched our Susty Schools Campaign which is aimed at promoting sustainability education in Nigerian schools via awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Tree Planting initiatives, Waste Management and Recycling Trainings as well as Consultations for Solar Installation and Energy Efficiency.

We premiered this great initiative with Ostra Heights College, one of Okota’s leading citadels of learning. With an ECOWAS recognition and many other awards to its name, we identified the school as the perfect place to start this project with.


On this day, our founder: Jennifer Uchendu taught 150 students present on the 17 SDGs sharing valid facts on the state of development in Africa with help from Budgit.


The students were highly engaging and interactive and we were excited to know that most of them had a good knowledge of concepts like Climate Change and Gender Equality, which are our main focus at SustyVibes.


One student asked why 2030 was mentioned a lot in the SDGs training and he was told that the United nations and the world is running with the SDGs for the next 15 years and that we hope to achieve all the goals by that year.


Another student asked about running a masters programme in Sustainable Development and we were amazed at such forward thinking questions!


Both staff and students benefitted immensely from the 30 minutes training; the staff feedback were highly encouraging as they told us to continue our good work and find ways to take the SDGs to the rural parts of Lagos.


We are so excited at the success of this event and would hold more in the coming weeks, we are grateful to the management of Ostra Heights College for the opportunity and confidence in us to be able to train their students on sustainability.

5 thoughts on “Susty Schools launches with Ostra Heights College”

  1. The awareness must continue. It must start in schools. You have begun well and I am sure many more schools like Ostra will get on the train. You may need to start a SustyVibes Club there to sustain the engagement.

  2. Uwazigo Ikenna Believe

    It’s a very wonderful site you have here.
    The awareness you’re creating is a very nice and important one.
    Starting a SustyVibes Club there, as suggested by Muyiwa Oludayo, is not a bad idea.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Pingback: Susty Schools - Seed of Knowledge Nursery and Primary Schools - SustyVibes

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